My name is Itachi Hiretsuna and I am a member of the Hiretsuna clan. "I take it your startled by my appearance? Hmm, I suppose it makes sense someone new around here wouldn't even know about me, so perhaps I should explain what is happening here. She had honest to god ears and a tail, like some kinda squirrel or something, though I don't exactly know many 5 foot 7 squirrels. Outta nowhere this brown haired girl in a blue top and blue booty shorts waltzed into the gym, but she wasn't like ANY other girl I've ever seen.

*Gym double doors open* "Hello, I've been watching you for a bit and I'm actually quite impressed with what I've seen." "Your impressed with m., w-what the hell?!" So When I woke up today to go to school, I sure as hell didn't expect to see anything, or anyONE this weird. Mom still expected me to take longer than this (of course), so I still gotta just wait around for another half hour till she picks me up, this sucks. Took me a damn hour and a half before I was done and could finally go home, after all that work and fartin today I was starving. The gym is like the biggest room I've ever been in and I'm supposed to mop the whole thing down and throw out all the trash, the hell man.
#Eight marbles 2x angle how to
Hnggggg." "PPPPPPPPHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" "BBBBLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRTTTTGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" "Ahh, damn that was loud, hehe I gotta snag some of that spicy curry for home, teach mom how to behave around me." *Waves hand around steaming butt and walks to last class of the day* *Stranger lands delicately on nearby tree branch, stealthily observing the scene* "Hmmmmmm, not bad for one as unexperienced, maybe she'll have a chance after all." *Vanishes* I can't freakin believe mom would sell me out like this.

You will start with your cleaning when the last bell of the day sounds, give this note to the gym teacher and he'll show you what to do." "UGHHHHHHH, FINE!" *Gets up and walks out the door* "GGGGGRRRRRGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLL" "God dangit, what the hell am I supposed to do with all this? *Looks around and sees an empty window, sticks quivering butt out of it* Better than anyone complaining about the smell I guess. Masataka, I'm sorry, but I can't help how gassy I am even when I eat just like a regular breakfast!" "I am sure you will be able to figure out some tricks on safely releasing your excess gas without disrupting the entire school. So we agreed that you will stay after school for an extra couple of hours cleaning up the gym for the rest of the week." "WHAT, ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?! Mr. I've already spoken with your mother and she DID back up your story, but she also said she understands that you should learn how to behave yourself around here. You can't just walk around making 100+ students lose their lunch just because you want to stay in shape, it doesn't work the way. I try to be a very active kinda person, so I tend to be pretty dang gassy most of the time, actually." "There is "a little gassy," and there is a walking biohazard, young lady. Believe it or not, my lunch only gave me a bit more gas than I expected it would. *pinches bridge of nose* Your first day in, you manage to gas out your homeroom class, several tables in the cafeteria and even most of the gym? Is there something wrong with your stomach or something ms. Eight Marbles: Shifting Tide"Ugh, so let me get this straight.